Eliane Bots about “Rugina”

In 2008 I visited Moldova for the first time, to do research for my thesis “A hidden land, an introduction to the state and conditions of the art sector in Moldova”. In this context I was introduced to the the sculpture complex Rugina and I met Nicolai Ischimji. Walking around this place I became impressed by the quality and striking image of the sculptures. The atmosphere of the place, combined with the expressiveness of the sculptures gave me the possibility to have an understanding of a part of the Moldovan history.

The sculptures have a high esthetic quality in the unusual use of scrap metal and industrial waste, their immense size and the stories they tell. It could be said that they represent an important direction in contemporary art and the way this part of the art scene came to existence. The fact that the place is open for the public adds enormous value to it. In this way it has not only an esthetic value but has an educational function as well.

Besides the esthetic qualities of the place and the sculptures, also the idea of “Globeline”, to connect the world and reunite people, is such an universal and important message, certainly one that should remain. Instead of ruining such positive and important idea and its expression it should be supported and appreciated. Not only because if its importance for the Moldovan contemporary art scene, but also because it functions as an important message in society and public space.

In The Netherlands we have special sculpture gardens and parks, they function as leisure places, informative places where the public get in touch with history and art. Places that show how a country deals with its cultural heritage, with its history and its (contemporary) art. In Rugina I see a clear possibility, without a lot of effort, to become such a place, which will make Moldova an even more interesting and attractive country to visit. A place that could attract as well national as international guests and give the visitors many insights in history and contemporary art.

Therefore I strongly ask you to not hide or demolish this beautiful place, in opposition, it should become one of the jewels of Moldovan cultural heritage!

Eliane Bots
Eliane Esther Bots (Amsterdam, Netherlands)
Visual artist
Teacher at art academy Utrecht (HKU)
Teacher Kade ateliers
Co-Curator Satellietgroep

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